Wednesday, 21 November 2012

A Void In My Heart

When I was born on this earth,
I knew not as there was increase in my girth,
that I would be flourished with so much love.

Today as memories strike me back,
I look back to the roads we traveled together,
I look back to those memories,locked away in my heart.

The days we grew together,
The days we fought with each other,
The days we enjoyed together.

I remember those years,
When my eyes were filled with tears,
When my heart was filed with fear,
You always changed my gear.

Alas!!!!The day came when we had to part,
It was so hard for my heart,
As I weeped within,
but you could not sweep the memories within.

Alas!!!You have a left a void in my heart.

                                                                -Dedicated to my beloved sisters!!!

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